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Are you ready for Third-Party Cookie Deprecation?

Third-Party Cookie Deprecation

The widespread use of third-party cookies has raised concerns about user privacy, particularly as they enable companies to track users' online activity without their explicit consent. This tracking can be used to build detailed profiles of users' interests and behaviors, which can then be used for targeted advertising, or data misuse such has phishing or identity theft.

The transition away from cookies requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to privacy-first design principles. Key strategies include:

  • User Consent: Obtaining clear and explicit consent from users before collecting and using their data.  

  • Transparency and Control: Providing users with meaningful information about how their data is being used and allowing them to control their privacy settings.

  • Privacy-First Analytics and Tracking: Utilizing privacy-compliant analytics and tracking tools that adhere to data protection regulations and respect user privacy. For example Google Analytics 4.

  • Privacy-Conscious Design: Designing websites and applications with privacy in mind, minimizing data collection and ensuring that data is used responsibly.

The digital ecosystem will continue to evolve: traditional identifiers such as 3P cookies and appIDs will provide diminished coverage and disappear overtime; the granularity and precision of event-level conversion data will continue to degrade, and advertisers will need to move to more aggregate measurement. 

What this means for you

  • You will need technologies to provide both durability and comprehensiveness to your conversion data. 

  • You will need to be agile and ready to experiment and adapt as new solutions are continued to be brought to the market in the next several years. 

  • Get comfortable with machine learning and automation. These will be at the core of new technologies and central to future measurement success. 

A three-step framework for developing a privacy first ads strategy, is:

  • Build a direct relationship with your customers based on responsibility gathered first party data.

  • Ensure your measurement, remains accurate, flexible, and actionable by learning on machine learning.

  • Drive business objectives by keeping your ads relevant with automation.

The shift from third party to first party data helps to enhance your audience strategy with more robust data, inform business decisions, gain competitive advantage

and fuels machine learning to:

  • Engage with the right audience. Marketers that effectively use their 1P data cna generate double the incremental revenue from a single ad placement, communication or outreach.

  • Help increase performance and campaign spend ROI.

  • Generate insights and predict outcomes.

Marketers who effectively use their first-party data can generate double the incremental revenue from a single ad placement, communication, or outreach. We can help you to invest in privacy-centric advertising solutions.


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