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How to create a successful digital badge strategy

digital badges

Gamification can be applied to any topic as badges are the elements in the form of rewards that symbolize the achievements of learners.  They create goal commitment. They facilitate psychological flow through feedback.

Badges look to solve a problem that adults seeking employment or promotion tend to face: The need for demonstrated short, concrete, and skill-based programs.

Digital badges provide the opportunity to break student learning and competency attainment into bite size chunks. Providing badges for student attainment of knowledge and skills along the way can help to keep learners engaged, celebrate the progression of learning, and help students to understand and see the value of their educational pathway through a lens focused on learning. 

Once the purpose of why digital badges is clear, the next decision to make centers around what will actually be badged. There are many different units of learning or doing that might be digitally badged. For instance, a digital badge might focus upon skills, competencies, participation, completion, or levels of Expertise.

• Identify the specific needs, interests, and goals of your target audience. 

• Consider your audience's current level of expertise on the topic. 

• Explore different learning formats like microlearning modules, interactive courses, workshops, or quizzes to cater to diverse learning styles.  Progress bars, leaderboards, and challenges associated with badges can add a layer of fun and competition, increasing engagement.

• Ensure the learning offers practical skills and knowledge that can be applied in real-world situations. Don't just focus on information, provide clear takeaways and action steps that learners can implement.

• Collaborate with subject matter experts to develop high-quality and relevant content.

• Regularly review and update your offerings to reflect new trends and demands.

Most of the work (easily 85%) is around defining your digital certification strategy ahead of time, setting standards, gathering existing data, and implementing a process to manage everything if you do not choose a digital certification provider.

Once there is clarity on why badges and what will be badged, the next step in the badging journey is to determine the evidence of attainment that will be embedded within the digital badge. It is important to motivate employees to focus on the course and skill attainment, and provide a public, visible recognition of their hard work and success.  Implement a system to track badge acquisition and analyze its impact on your goals. Measure engagement, skill development, and behavior change. Integrate badges into a broader recognition system. Offer tangible or intangible rewards linked to earning badges to add motivational value.

Define specific roles as badge issuers (e.g., manager, mentor)  Design badge criteria that directly map to the responsibilities and skills of specific roles. For example: "leadership" for industry managers.  

Focus on relevance and value, and do not forget a strong communication Plan with sales leadership involvement.


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