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Top Product Marketing Content challenges

Let's be honest. 65% of the marketing content is never used. Today, we are sharing some potential barriers or challenges for developing and implementing a data-driven product marketing content strategy, and strategies to mitigate them:

1. Diverse Audience Needs

  • Challenge: Different audience segments may have varying levels of expertise, learning styles, and needs, making it difficult to create content that resonates with everyone.

  • Strategy: Conduct detailed audience analysis to understand each group's specific needs and preferences. Develop persona-based content that can be customized or adapted to suit different learning styles and levels of expertise. Offer modular content that learners can choose based on their interests and knowledge gaps.

2. Keeping Content Up-to-date

  • Challenge: Rapid changes in technology, market trends, and Pinterest's platform can quickly make educational content outdated.

  • Strategy: Implement a regular review and update cycle for the curriculum, ensuring content remains relevant and accurate. Engage with product teams to receive updates about upcoming features or changes. Consider creating evergreen content that focuses on fundamental principles and strategies that are less likely to become outdated quickly.

3. Resource Constraints

  • Challenge: Limited budget, personnel, and time can constrain the development and delivery of high-quality educational content.

  • Strategy: Prioritize content development based on audience needs and potential impact. Leverage existing resources, such as curate internal training materials for external use. Explore cost-effective content creation tools and platforms. Utilize cross-functional teams and encourage a culture of knowledge sharing to minimize resource bottlenecks.

4. Engagement and Motivation

  • Challenge: Maintaining the engagement and motivation of learners, especially in a self-paced online environment, can be challenging.

  • Strategy: Incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, hands-on exercises, and gamification to enhance engagement. I developed a game  called expert faster at Google where sellers were able to challenge peers around the world on different product knowledge areas, and engagement numbers were amazing compared to regular training. Provide real-world case studies and success stories to increase motivation. Offering certifications or badges can  incentivize learners to complete the curriculum.

5. Measuring Impact and Success

  • Challenge: Demonstrating the effectiveness of the educational curriculum and its impact on audience goals and Pinterest's objectives can be difficult.

  • Strategy: Establish clear metrics and KPIs from the outset based on curriculum objectives and learner outcomes. Use pre- and post-assessment tools to measure knowledge gain and behavioral change. Gather feedback through surveys and interviews to assess satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

By anticipating these challenges and implementing targeted strategies, your sales enablement team can mitigate potential barriers, ensuring the successful development and implementation of a data-driven product marketing and sales assets.


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