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VR Goggles

Our Work

Looking to boots your sales? We can help! We are the most powerful business pain reliever, and we are available without a prescription These are some examples of what we can do for you. You can read a few of our success customer stories below:



Bid to Value Calculator

Most used sales tool internally at Google by Google Customer Services. Bidding towards conversion value is a great way to reach your most valuable customers and maximize ROI. Generating leads involves measuring several on-and-offline events in your conversion funnel, making it difficult to know which to optimize for. This tool identifies the events that you should bid towards. Highlighted in the Google Marketing Live and available here.


‘Everyone’s CV’ massive PR campaign

20% more sales. 1.5M media value. 4M new views on Youtube. 97.8% positive sentiment in Social Media. Read more at: "Research Gate" or "Health, one of Campofrio's brand values" Elsevier, Science Direct. 



letgo: how to grow your customer base decreasing your cost per lead

App number 1 for local and classified, in U.S. This Spanish 5-year-old startup became a leader in a highly competitive market in record time, adquiring more volume (20 million montly active users), but decreasing their cost per "shopping and selling" leads!


Educational B2B & B2C Marketing

Cambridge Monitor & Cambridge Corpus. B2B research tools about how the English language is currently used all around the world: how it’s spoken, how it’s written in different contexts, how it evolves and what errors people make. B2C educational apps: Phrasalstein & English Monster.

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